We'll first thing's first. Welcome to the world Hamish Samuel Scott, or Hambo, to those who object to him having 3 first names, new son of our very good friends, Dividacom and Leah Scott. Leah is very well and both are stoked. Leah has someone to share the burden of responsibility for David's behaviour. David has someone to share the the blame for all the noises and smells.
There are two criteria by which I assess new borns. 1. Neck control and 2. New-born looks. And this chaps got them both in abundance.
Now for my list... actually, before I head on I should make brief mention of the missing blog entitled "I don't have a job" that should have been inserted between "Matt Damon" and "Not Another List...?!". There. I think that suffices as 'brief mention'. Now onto my list.
I hate to be exclussive on this medium which should essentially be the medium by which the entire world should appreciate me. But I had a brief list of nostalia snippets that will likely mean nought to all but lewis's... even honourary lewis's may struggle to derive meaning... but I will keep it breif.
"Aye! It's dulicious! But it's still nor how you meke porridge!"
The Contometer... entering '9999999999999' then hit '1'... prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- ding!
Grandad's tiddley-winks in the carved wooden box.
Grounsel! How could we forget our old floric nemesis that preceeded the battle of 'The Giant Paspalum'
"Who's kicking the back of my seat??!" accompanied by furious blind whopping.
"Press enter! Press Enter!" and How many were there dan?. "Sixty-eight!!"
Well that's it for now. Sorry, I will write something that mean more to the rest of the world soon. Might even bring you up to speed with the job situation, though I will have to make it 'based on actual events' to introduce enough interest to warrant the pixels.
Shall I get this kicked off then??
I think it was a bit exclusive. Somehow Matt Damon seems to have more popular appeal than random childhood memories. who can tell?
Maybe you should post your best sandwich recipes. Not silly ones, but those good cafe-like ones you served us.
Back to Michelle, what's wrong with "Ruth"?
Hey K, that's a question that can only be asked from the luxury of Katharine Renée. Just give it a shot one day, be Katharine Ruth for an entire 24-hour stretch and you'll see what I'm talking about.
ps. when in doubt, laugh (did I get that right, Aaron?)
Uh-oh anonymous! Michelle Ruth busted your cover! Now "they" know two of your three names... where will you hide?
Maybe you can move to deepest darkest Africa...
Michelle, try hating your *first* name for the first two-thirds of your life. I hated it until Things Of Stone and Wood came out with "Happy Birthday Helen" and sweetly turned things around for me.
Unfortunately I must admit to my part in the unveiling of Anon, in alerting Michelle to the extra 'A' in the K name. But conceded that K was likely not biting on it in appreciation of the added refuge it provided from the KAOS ('K' Online Activity Suveilance) cyberspys.
I thought I was the only one who annoyingly repeats the porridge phrase. Julian hates it.
Yes, it was quite exclusive. But seeing as I'm in the the 'In' crowd, I'll join in. I like to think of that missing louvre in the the bathroom window of the old house, through which Dad in righteous fury would throw all of the girls' empty shampoo bottles. And there they sat in a pile in the back yard for weeks, months. If the little ferrel kid from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome had a family, we would be it.
I think, after everything, Jules has hit the nail on the head.
Wanna join the Beyond Thunderdome family, Michelle Ruth?
(And Jules... do you *really* believe those bottles were empty? Come on.)
ah hem, i am TOTALLY lost so obviously Aaron's subtle message that joining the Lewises was not as easy as changing my name, worked. In the process I've also managed something equivalent in gravity to outing a CIA agent (K????? I can remove that comment, I promise noone's noticed yet....!!!)
Thanks Helen, I've liked your name ever since Helen Keller, although I admit 'Happy Birthday Helen' was a bit sexier (and cheerful) than a series of unfortunate disabilities - albeit, overcome.
Michelle Stella Crowther
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