Monday, August 20, 2007

Whiskers on kittens...

I'd like to take a moment to make a few recommendations...

The Office with Ricky Jervais (show)
Napoleon Dynamite - it's incredible (movie)
Snowboard at bargain rates in Grunau (activity)
Dire Straits (band)
The Princess Bride (movie)
Hire a motor scooter (activity)
Me First and The Gimmie Gimmies (band)
Brake late and turn. Feather... (activity/phlosophy)
Drive like it's not your car. Unless it isn't, in which case you should drive like it is yours. (phylosophy)
Ride the London Tube and get pretty much anywhere you want to go, pretty much when you want to get there. (activity)
Don't Guess. Exaggerate. (phylosophy)
Box and be boxed. Fighting will either make a man of you, or someone else. (phylosophy/activity)
Start a business. If it fails, learn from it, and start another. If the second fails, learn from it, and get a job.
Look after your knees. Don't jump from heights.
Tea Tree Oil will cure all things.
Soda Water will make you content.

I hope there is something that you can use here to embiggen your life's experiences.


Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

Don't jump from heights. It's true.

I found that out too late...

Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

This is actually a good list! These, however, should not be listed in the vicinity of each other:

Hire a motor scooter (activity)

Brake late and turn. (activity/philosophy)

[Yes, I corrected the spelling of "philosophy" above. It's not phylosophy and I just can't help myself.]

awkward egg said...

Every cloud has its silver lining... the tube leaves a whole lot of black stuff up your nose if you travel on it for too long. Convenient- yes. early grave- maybe.

And I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt about that "phylosophy" thing... you did that on purpose right?

Shelley. (change that dang anon. comment rule!!!)

Michelle Crowther said...

If the tube is convenient but nose-clogging and deadly, isn't that more 'every silver lining has its cloud' ??

hope you guys are having a great time over there. xx

awkward egg said...

well, I sure got that one wrong. Thanks for the correction. Perhaps we should have conversations excluding Aaron on this un-updated blog. Not that I can talk- I'm a bit slow with blogs myself, but really?

PS. We're having a great time. How is the big bad world treating you?


Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

Aaron, if you EVER update or check this poor mistreated blog anymore... I tagged you for Seven Things.

Go to my blog and look for the photo of you (no not THAT photo, a new old photo) and you'll see what it's all about.

Maybe it'll give you something to WRITE ABOUT.

Lazy, lazy, lazy...