Despite my best efforts in the past to engage with the game of AFL on TV, I could never abide the game. However, attending my first live game ever, I found myself quite riveted.
So why doesn’t the excitement and atmosphere translate to TV? Well, it seems that for much of the time the cameras are pointed in the wrong direction. It’s had to know which you bought the ticket for, to watch the game or the fans. Between bottom of the ladder Richmond v bottom of the social order Collingwood, the two spectacles were at equally entertaining.
Our seating area was quite vacant by the end of the game as a number of our neighbouring spectators were provided with police escort from the stadium throughout the game. The first to go was a gentleman with more bling and attitude than Mr T. He took exception to being asked to tone down the swearing for the sake of the children (it was maniacal). In particular, one pair of middle aged women bore the brunt of it… I don’t know what stopped him from carrying out the very believable threats that he issued them, but it didn’t look like much.
Well after that his friend, incensed by his ejection, took up where he left off in turn. And, in turn, was ejected. Which incensed his friend, who… well you can see how it works from here. Even if they could not.
I thought this was quotable from the third friend in line, who turned back to us and said in justification of his disapproval of the police action, "I just got back from the bar and they've all been kicked out. It's #$%^. Man I don't even know what happened... but you've got to be loyal don't you?"
Do you?
We spent the weekend in Victoria (Sue’s first visit), arriving on Friday at lunch. After meandering about Melbourne city and St Kilda, we met up with Sophia, our dutiful, energetic and highly organised host for the weekend.
We went to the game, straight from the game to ‘The Corner’, a Melbourne music institution we are told, for a taste of the Melbourne live music scene with, with 67 Special. We left there at 12pm and by 2am we arrived at Lorne where Sophia’s family has a monstorously impressive holiday home built half into the cliff overhanging the Bass Strait, and half supported precariously out on a single pole. A single walkway connecting the two halves. It is in all ways, unbelievable and incredible. But I will leave it to your judgement.
So why doesn’t the excitement and atmosphere translate to TV? Well, it seems that for much of the time the cameras are pointed in the wrong direction. It’s had to know which you bought the ticket for, to watch the game or the fans. Between bottom of the ladder Richmond v bottom of the social order Collingwood, the two spectacles were at equally entertaining.
Our seating area was quite vacant by the end of the game as a number of our neighbouring spectators were provided with police escort from the stadium throughout the game. The first to go was a gentleman with more bling and attitude than Mr T. He took exception to being asked to tone down the swearing for the sake of the children (it was maniacal). In particular, one pair of middle aged women bore the brunt of it… I don’t know what stopped him from carrying out the very believable threats that he issued them, but it didn’t look like much.
Well after that his friend, incensed by his ejection, took up where he left off in turn. And, in turn, was ejected. Which incensed his friend, who… well you can see how it works from here. Even if they could not.
I thought this was quotable from the third friend in line, who turned back to us and said in justification of his disapproval of the police action, "I just got back from the bar and they've all been kicked out. It's #$%^. Man I don't even know what happened... but you've got to be loyal don't you?"
Do you?
We spent the weekend in Victoria (Sue’s first visit), arriving on Friday at lunch. After meandering about Melbourne city and St Kilda, we met up with Sophia, our dutiful, energetic and highly organised host for the weekend.
We went to the game, straight from the game to ‘The Corner’, a Melbourne music institution we are told, for a taste of the Melbourne live music scene with, with 67 Special. We left there at 12pm and by 2am we arrived at Lorne where Sophia’s family has a monstorously impressive holiday home built half into the cliff overhanging the Bass Strait, and half supported precariously out on a single pole. A single walkway connecting the two halves. It is in all ways, unbelievable and incredible. But I will leave it to your judgement.

At 9am we rose and set off down the spectacular Great Ocean Road to The Twelve Apostles and Loch Ard Gorge. Loch Ard Gorge is set into the spectacular cliffs that form the southern coast line with just a small inlet to a cosy, sheer gorge complete with it own beach, and was the site of a devastating shipwreck in 1848. Sue and Soph were both bitterly disappointed to find that the remains of the wrecked ship were not bobbing just off shore, and that the two survivors had since moved on. But others still appreciate it for its natural wonder.
Soph drove us back to Lorne - there were 3 survivors. At regular intervals along Great Ocean Road, ‘Drive on the left side in Australia’ signs are placed. These are not for the sole benefit of international visitors.
We ate burgers and marshmallows by the fireplace that night while we watched ‘Entourage’, the heavily adapted story of Marky Mark’s life. Which shattered the illusions I held about Four Brothers.
I woke early the following morning, Sunday, and strolled over the road for my first/last surf of the trip. Painfully cold. I don’t mean… ‘Ooooh! That’s freezing! So very very cold!”. I mean, the pain of the cold made me ever so mindful that there could be medical repercussions. Exiting the surf after a stiff and lacklustre performance, I felt great relief as the warmth of the freezing morning air washed over me.
We headed back to Melbourne via Torquay and Bells Beach, where official Pokerface surfwear made it’s very first appearance.
More picsc are coming. I know you like to look at the pictures.
Nobody's got more bling and attitude than Mr T you idiot...or is that fool, I can never remember.
Anyway, talking of people with attitude: Pink, Pink has attitude. And here's something funny. I caught Shelley today singing that classic Pink standard, "I'm Coming Up (so you better get this party started)". Only Shelley prefers to sing it, "I'm coming out so you better get this party started". And she still doesn't see what difference it makes to the song.
Pink! It breaks my heart to hear the poor darl relate the troubles of her life to Mr President... I can only imagine what it is like to make your bed from a cardboard box. I HATE political retards! She and Mr President himself are on equal footing there. They should both just shut up and sing... sing something else.
An adventure, huzzahhhh!
It's a big ego stroke for the engineer who made that house stay upright, every time someone ventures in it. Because really, it's really someone saying "Yes, I entrust my life to the work you've done here."
Have you learned nothing about staying out of the water in winter? Don't you remember the time we all leaped into Rocks and Jan's pool in mid-June, and could no longer use our lungs? Even above water?
And Jules. Don't correct Shelley. The world is a much more hilarious place when she's allowed to run uncorrected.
I can't believe that someone actually owns that house, and worse, someone actually knows who owns it!
I'll have to get you to autograph a sketch I made of it a few years ago. Hmmmmm?
Mr H I feel bad now. The fiction about the ownership of 'THE' Lorne cliff home was for giggles at Jules and Dan's expense - long story. We stayed in a lovely, but slightly less gregarious home very nearby.
Now I feel bad that you feel bad!!
You can still autograph my sketch! :-)
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