Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Very Easy Rider

Without doubt, the single most exciting day of my adult life was 2 March 2008. That was the day I bought my scooter; the Blue Dragon - 2005 Peugeot Ludix Elegance. It is indeed more lovely and more temperate than a summer's day. And though it's only a wee-rumpa, every one of its fifty cc's screams freedom louder than Braveheart. Quite a bit louder actually, and that is half the appeal.

Here's the benefits in brief;
  • 5L of petrol buys me two weeks of commute
  • I get to work quicker as I negotiate traffic like the wind itself
  • parking is free - while every other sucker pays $180/mth
  • at the shops I get parks that disabled folk envy
  • scenic doubles along the waterfront wit me mole as a weekend activity
  • ever heard of Arthur Fonzarelli?

Here's a little shirt I printed up in celebration of the Blue Dragon.

The helmet that I got with the bike was only extra large - so it didn't really fit. I got a new one very soon after as the other gave me a splitting headache when I wore it - and it seriously damaged my newfound street cred.

And peaking of street cred, Dad did a little research on my behalf. Apparently I would be 38% safer with a white helment, fluoro vest and a flag off the tail of the bike.


Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back in the game A.

Anonymous said...

I thought you promised mum you were going to stop riding that! You mustn't navigate traffic like the wind. Your limbs will come off like the wind if some traffic navigates you!

Save it for doing donuts in your driveway on the weekend.

Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

I'm amused and alarmed in equal parts.

Alarmed by the "negotiating" of traffic. Please don't. Since I can't say "wear your seatbelt" anymore, you're in a for a barrage of "don't negotiate traffic". The Anonymous K and I are united on that front.

Yay on the following, though: Peugeot, fuel economy, free parking and the neat shirt.

I have to say, even ten flags and multi layers of fluoro vests couldn't look as hilariously awful as that first helmet you had. "Extra large" indeed...

Aaron Lewis said...

That helmet is now Sue's - I can tell you that she makes it look EVERY bit of XL.

Aaron Lewis said...

PS. I took a month out from riding for mum's benefit while dad was unwell. But I can assure you that I will be finished with the BD only when I am finished! I think that mum is near accepting that harrassment over it is only uncomfortable for all parties. But not productive.

Object any further and I will expose you to the internet ninjas.

Anonymous said...

While I doubt very much that this blog was posted on the 27th of May as stated, I do feel that it is time for you to further contribute to your personal web log.

PS. Slightly annoyed that you get so many "comeback" comments, while us regular posters suffer in solitude.

Aaron Lewis said...

Sometimes less is more.

Slaughter a fatten calf and bring your finest robes for the wayward blogger has returned!

Aaron Lewis said...

Sometimes less is more.

Slaughter a fatten calf and bring your finest robes for the wayward blogger has returned!

Anonymous said...

Aaron - where are you? are you going to blog your overseas adventure? If not, why not? I have a new show called Hair of the Blog - yes, it's on a Sunday morning and involves alcohol, I have finally broken the ABC (or at least, one of its rules about not drinking at work) but I need to you blog so I can get you on for a chat. Poss?