I found this picture whilst meadering the wwweb and it reminded me of my Blog. Poor little Blog. Poor forgotten Blog. Sue tends to berrate me for any time that I spend on the computer at home - I try to tell her that computers are the future - but she just sighs and growls and grunts. So maybe it's her fault.
My dog demands attention beyond her worth, and whinges until she is taken for a walk. SO perhaps it's her fault.
Or perhaps I'm not that inspired by my own ramblings. So perhaps it's my fault.
BUT! I had a thought. Perhaps I could make the blog ABOUT something and I would find it more compelling. Here's my suggestions based on a couple of topics that fascinate me deeply and might just take the fancy of other folk too. So I am prepared to take a poll on it and be all democratic.
1. Origins of Phrases
2. Collective Nouns
3. History and Facinations of Brisbane Suburbs
4. Our Renovation by Osmosis (I am not just saying that this would be an EXTREMEMLY slow process when I say this will be like watching paint dry - I mean that it would involve watching paint dry - keep that in mind)
5. Political commentary on the development and progress of the Kev-O-Sev government from the most politically ignorant person in Princess Street.
5. Other topic of your choosing.
Happy choosing - don't get it wrong.
i think the first number 5 (you had 2) would be quite amusing :) lol. i'll have to pass on the others, stimulating as they seem :))
I go for numbers 1, 3 and 5. Might I also add the occasional odd/funny story from your day to day life?
PS. Have you stopped reading our blog? You have been the focus of my last entry for like 2 weeks now- no comment?
PPS. The 'like' was included to let you know that it is well and truely back in fashion in the circles of youngsters.
I was just thinking you'd abandoned your blog completely, and in the nick of time you saved it!
I read through that list going "Oh! That one!" over and over, but upon reflection I'm narrowing it down to #1 or #5 (the first #5). I'm also interested in #3 but I think I'm in the minority on that. Other difficulties would be: limited audience (Brisbanites, current or former) and getting sick of it (you'll get sick of it, that is: having studied local history at UQ, I guarantee you'll soon tire of it. I did.)
If you're into collective nouns I'll dig up an interesting link for you...
I also second Shelley's call for incidents from your day. There. Glad you're back.
The best collective noun I've heard is for a group of bears: 'a lot'.
We all might tire of number two pretty quickly though. Apparently, during some useless epoch of the 18th century it became fashionable for dandies (like us) to make up collective nouns out of thin air. Hence so many stupid words.
I am most interested in number five (the first five). Seeing as I only thought about the election after it happened, I may be a little out of the loop of Australian politics. I did see Kev eat his own ear wax though. At least he didn't eat someone else's I suppose.
Ewwwwwww! Is that true?
Kev's taste for earwax was the closest thing we had to scandal in the whole election campaign. Disappointing.
My vote comes in for number 5 or number 5.
I don't care what you write Aaron, just write.
Should someone check under that mango tree to ascertain whether the driver made it out alive??
Maybe a good idea, Michelle.... Citroen drivers are notoriously attached to their cars. 2CV drivers even more so. Perhaps this one stayed around to go down with the ship, as it were...
I think the vote is 5a. So here I go... you don't think that we will tire of it do you??
I think the vote is 5a. So here I go... you don't think that we will tire of it do you??
If it grows old, then we shake it up a little.
By the way- I am a little peeved that you got so much attention after this long absence.
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