Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Art of India

India is a place of contrasts; namely colour vs filth. The hand painted adornments on goods carrier trucks, individually painted advertising billboards, and radiant and immaculate saris are all the more vibrant and attention grabbing for their backdrop of grime. I was completely taken with them and attempted to snap every example for the duration of our trip at 3 second intervals through grime caked car windows at 70 km per hour (much to Vikas's bemusement). So unfortunately I have little to show for it. But here's a few examples.


Anonymous said...

I do like the birdie.

Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

Hmmm excellent. I should like a 5x7 matte print of the last one. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

[url=http://ivlkrwnnz.com]tJDOts[/url] , QxqXEoH - http://yuxeflk.com